Intermatic Heavy Duty Outdoor Timer - 120V, 15 amps
Heavy Duty Outdoor Timer P1101 Designed for pumps up to 1 HP with a standard 3 prong plug configuration.
This Portable Outdoor Timer is specially designed to control the filter pump of a portable pool or spa. They can also
be used to turn ON and OFF outdoor decorations, engine block heaters and other appliances - indoors or outdoors. Designed
for pumps up to 1 HP with a standard 3 prong plug configuration. PLEASE NOTE: This timer does not have GFCI.
120 Volt Case - 5" (12.7 cm) high x 5-1/2" (14 cm) wide x 3-3/4" (9.5 cm) deep.
Cord - 3 wire, outdoor grade, 22" long. Timer - 24 hr. with 23-1/2 hr. maximum ON time. Switch Rating
- 15 Amp resistive or tungsten Agency Approval - CSA/C-US
Item #P1101